Latest changes, things we are working on now and upcoming features.
You can find the app version on the About page.
1.5.0:510 |
1. The first time experience is greatly improved. Parents / Carers can either create a new profile or sync with an existing account.
2. Exercises can be duplicated for easier entry. This helps when you want to have the same exercise for the left and right part of the body.
3. The same exercise can be added multiple times to a set.
The app now fully supports creating an account and signing in. This feature is a building block for the next two: backup and restore and therapy providers.
The app now has a fully automated backup and restore mechanism where all exercises, sets, diary entries and reports are backed up and can be restored on the same or multiple devices. It gives parents are carers some nice options. Now two people can be using their own phones and track exercises and a diary for the same child. The app can be installed on the child's device and school staff could use and progress will by synced with the carer's phone.
This feature was developed in collaboration with the ABR team. More information can be found at It allows parents and carers to share their progress directly the team who gave them the exercises.
We take privacy very seriously and nothing is shared unless specific concent has been given.
1.0.2:465 |
The rotation of the Profile Image on some iPhones was fixed.
The Profile Picker Page was made available on Android.
The layout of the diary was improved, particularly on iOS. The 'next month' and 'previous month' arrows were made visible on iOS.
The menu icon was replaced by
which is easier to select. In addition, a 'Cancel' option was added to the iOS menu allowing the user to exit the menu.